Cruising Articles

Cruising Saint Lucia

Cruising Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia, the largest of the English speaking Windwards, is mountainous and lush, with many beautiful white sand beaches. Tropical rainforest covers the steep slopes of the center and gives way to cultivated agricultural land around the more moderatly sloping coastal fringe. Bananas are still a m
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Bequia, pearl of the Grenadines

Bequia, pearl of the Grenadines
Bequia has long been a favorite of yachtspeople. Isolated enough to remain relatively unspoiled, yet lively enough to be stimulating and entertaining, it provides a blend of the old and new that many find perfect. It is well connected with St. Vincent and the other Grenadines, both by a small airpor
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Grenada, the spice island

Grenada, the spice island
Grenada, a spectacularly beautiful island, has lush green mountains, crystal waterfalls, golden beaches, and the fragrant spice trees that give the island its epithet "Isle of Spice". Come from late January to early march to get the added bonus of seeing the hills ablaze with hundreds of bright oran
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Cruising Union Island

Cruising Union Island
Union is a great island to visit. It stands out from afar with its dramatically mountainous outline. Clifton, the main harbor, is protected by a reef that shows off its brilliant kaleidoscope colors and patterns as you sail in. If you anchor or take a mooring out near the reef, the water to the east
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Dominica, The nature island

Dominica, The nature island
If Christopher Columbus came back today, Dominica is the only island he would recognize. This is because Dominica is the regions most unspoiled country and its most exciting destination for spectacular natural beauty. When Columbus was before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, trying t
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Solitude of Barbuda

Solitude of Barbuda
For the dedicated into-the-heart-of-nature diehard. Barbuda is heaven on earth. It is a low island whose highest point is only 125 feet above the sea. It is large, over half the size of Antigua, with a mere 2000 inhabitants who live around the village of Codrington. Barbuda has so many miles of bril
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Picturesque Les Saintes

Picturesque Les Saintes
This is an irresistable group if islands with idyllic Gallic charm. They are small, dry, and steep, with red and brown cliffs. Mountains climb to over 1000 feet and white beaches abound. After a hard days sail, it is bound to be love at first sight.The only small town, Bourg des Saintes, is on the l
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